The Secret of Finding a Great Career Opportunity
Categories Leadership, Management Articles, MotivationEstimated Reading Time 2 Minutes
I was recently interviewed by my company as part of a celebration of my 19th anniversary. I found it interesting that one of the questions asked was “why have you stayed?” My response was that I never really had a reason to leave. I went on to say that I’ve seen many people leave seeking a better opportunity, but I always thought if I could seek a better me, I could find all the opportunity I needed where I was.
Opportunity is Where You Are Now
Before you set out in search of a better career opportunity, ask yourself these questions:
- What does the perfect opportunity look like? Too often we misunderstand that lack of contentment doesn’t necessarily mean we’re at the wrong company or in the wrong position. Wanting more is a positive sign of ambition. Taking some time to evaluate and put down on paper what “perfect” looks like will often surprise you.
- What are my company’s biggest challenges? The key to understanding opportunity is to understand what’s needed. When is the last time you asked someone in executive leadership this question?
- What does my boss need? Put yourself in his or her shoes and ask what they need help with. Being someone who can be counted on is critical, but being someone who takes the initiative to identify needs and helps fill them is rare. When is the last time one of your direct reports came to you and asked what you needed?
- What do our customer’s need? How are our competitors serving our customer’s better than we are? What would we need to do to win our competitors customers over? In order to answer these questions, you will need to actively pursue the answers by getting out there and talking to your customers. You also need to follow your industry and what’s being reported about competitors who are being innovative.
- What am I willing to do to make myself better? Are you currently learning new skills? What are you reading? Who are your mentors? What are you listening to?
If You Help Enough Other People Get What They Want
Years ago I encountered a quote that has been a cornerstone for me when it comes to feelings of discontentment over my career, my income, or the joy I feel on a daily basis. If you help enough other people get what they want, you will always get what you want. It’s called service and it’s how we’re compensated in life. You don’t get what you need or want, rather you get what you deserve. Stop focusing on what you don’t have and start focusing on how you can serve others. That’s where the opportunity is.