Takeaway Be mindful in all things of the implications of what we do today and how it leads to the fruitfulness of our tomorrows. Estimated Reading Time: 3 1/2 Minutes Mostly We Reap What We Sow I’m not sure where I got it, but there is a framed quote on my bookshelf that says “You…Continue Reading “You Need To Be Good At One Of Two Things”
Takeaway If there is ever to be an “us or them”, you need to know who “them” is…and it’s not management. Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Point #1: There Are Social Consequences of Joining Management Early on in my management career, I was attracted to any information I could find that would “clue me in”…Continue Reading “Us and Them”
Estimated Reading Time is 4 Minutes Takeaway: Taking the time to list out the activities that are the most important for you and your people to achieve their objectives leads to more focused effort and improved results. Distractions are Everywhere Social Media, mobile devices, the ease of constant communication, and the unprecedented level of knowledge…Continue Reading “Understand What is Important”
Estimated Reading Time is 3 Minutes Takeaway: People follow people who care about them. Spending Time with People Shows You Care As the years have passed, I have come to realize that our most important asset to spend is our time. It’s the one thing that you can’t get more of. Because it’s so valuable,…Continue Reading “Show You Care”